
Specialty Courses

Core Specialties

Boat Diver Much of the world’s best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you’ve never m...

Delayed Surface Marker Buoy Many divers wouldn’t think of diving without carrying a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB), an...

Digital Underwater Photographer Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and the rise of digital underw...

Dry Suit Diver The PADI Dry Suit Diver course is one of our most popular courses, with many divers choosing dry sui...

Enriched Air Diver The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba course. Why? Because...

Equipment Specialist Don’t miss a dive due to a dive kit issue. Whether it's a blown o-ring, regulator problem,...

Peak Performance Buoyancy Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. ...

RNLI Diver Would you like to develop new skills to be better prepared to deal with the unexpected at sea? Are y...

Underwater Navigator Be the diver everyone wants to follow and make your sense of direction legendary with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.

Advanced Specialties

Deep Diver PADI’s Deep Diver course is perfect for a diver looking to extend their limits beyond 30m, as ...

Drift Diver The Drift Diver speciality is perfect for those divers looking to gain confidence diving in currents...

Night Diver As the sun sets, you put on your dive gear, slip on your scuba mask and take a breath from your regu...

Search and Recovery Diver It happens: People accidentally drop things from docks, off boats or even while scuba diving. If you...

Self-Reliant Diver With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent d...

Twinset Diver Have you had to end a dive early with plenty of no-stop time remaining, due to running short on gas?...

Wreck Diver PADI’s Wreck Diver course is an interesting, fun speciality programme, introducing you to some...

Project AWARE Specialties

AWARE Fish Identification Have you ever been scuba diving and asked yourself, "What was that?” The PADI Project AWA...

Coral Reef Conservation

Project AWARE The underwater world needs heroes. You can be one of them by championing the causes of the world’s most fragile and important aquatic ecosystems.

Underwater NAturalist Get a better understanding about the local ecosystem and the differences between terrestrial and aqu...
