Inland Training Locations

There are two excellent inland dive facilities within an hour's drive from our base in Bristol. These inland dive sites offer diving all year round, and aren't affected by poor weather which can cause problems when coastal diving. This means that these inland lakes make excellent training locations through the Winter, with the added bonus of being able to easily return home when training across multiple days. 

Vobster Quay

Address - Upper Vobster, Radstock, BA3 5SD

Entrance Fee - £24.50 per person (£18 for Vobster Quay members)

Booking - Booked online (

Vobster Quay offers a friendly welcome and excellent facilities for it's visiting divers. An easy to use tab system avoids divers needing to carry money around the site, and there is always someone ready to serve you hot drinks or cooked food at the catering van.

In the lake, divers can visit many of the underwater attractions. Highlights include the aeroplane, crushing works, helicopter and the large sunken boat called the Jaquin II. Multiple training platforms and access to a wide range of depths make Vobster Quay an excellent dive site for new divers and those in training.

Visibility and water temperature vary throughout the year. In Summer water temperatures can reach 18oC, whilst in Winter it's not uncommon to be diving in water around 5oC. Visibility is usually in excess of 10m, although this can reduce in Spring when an algae bloom may reduce this to just a few metres (luckily this never lasts long!)

The Lake at Cromhall Quarry

Address - Cromhall Quarry, Wooton Road, Cromhall, South Gloucestershire, GL12 8AA

Entrance Fee - £16 per person

Booking - Booked & paid online (

The Lake at Cromhall Quarry is the closest dive site to Bristol and offers divers a different experience to that found at Vobster Quay. At Cromhall you have facilities for gas fills, hot drinks and snacks, albeit these are a short drive from the main diving entry area. 

For divers, Cromhall has multiple entrance points around the lake, including giant stride entry points and a 'beach' entry where you can simply walk into the water. This makes an excellent site for Rescue Diver training, especially as the maximum depth in the whole site rarely gets deeper than 16m. Underwater, there are plenty of places to visit including a cesna plane, a helicopter and multiple boats sunk around the site. If you're lucky, you may even see a Greater Crested Newt on your dive!

