
Advanced Specialties

Deep Diver PADI’s Deep Diver course is perfect for a diver looking to extend their limits beyond 30m, as ...

Drift Diver The Drift Diver speciality is perfect for those divers looking to gain confidence diving in currents...

Night Diver As the sun sets, you put on your dive gear, slip on your scuba mask and take a breath from your regu...

Search and Recovery Diver It happens: People accidentally drop things from docks, off boats or even while scuba diving. If you...

Self-Reliant Diver With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent d...

Twinset Diver Have you had to end a dive early with plenty of no-stop time remaining, due to running short on gas?...

Wreck Diver PADI’s Wreck Diver course is an interesting, fun speciality programme, introducing you to some...
