• Intro to Tech

Intro to Tech

The TDI Intro to Tech course is designed to introduce the recreational diver to the exciting world of technical diving. Technical diving is a broad term that can cover any diving beyond recreational limits such as depths in excess of 40m, dives into overhead environments or decompression diving.

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The TDI Intro to Tech course is designed to introduce the recreational diver to the exciting world of technical diving. Technical diving is a broad term that can cover any diving beyond recreational limits such as depths in excess of 40m, dives into overhead environments or decompression diving.

What Will You Learn?

During the TDI Intro to Tech course you will become familiar with the standardised equipment used when technical diving including a twinset, a wing and harness and regulators with a 2m long primary hose. Not only will you become comfortable assembling and diving with this equipment but you will also be taught the theory behind this equipment configuration and how you can use it to its best.

Over three open water dives we will work together to achieve neutral buoyancy in full technical diving kit. We will also work on your trim position in the water. By achieving a better trim position in the water you will find it much easier to move gracefully through the water, allowing you to work less when swimming and resulting in better air consumption. You will also explore different propulsion techniques such as frog kicks, flutter kicks, helicopter turns and back finning.

By the end of the second day you will have learnt how to effectively manage an out of gas situation whilst using a twinset by air sharing with another diver. You will have also practiced how to open and close the valves on your twinset to allow you to manage equipment related issues that may arise during a dive and become efficient when sending up a delayed surface maker buoy in your team.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is ideal for those who have no experience of using a twinset and wish to benefit from the improved buoyancy and trim of a technical diver. It will prepare you to move onto further technical courses if you wish, but even if this is not your ultimate goal you will finish the course a much better diver than when you arrived!


  • Minimum age 18 (15 with parental consent)
  • Minimum certification of Open Water Scuba Diver, or equivalent
  • Provide proof of 25 logged open water dives

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